New Year, New Collection!

Here at the Mason Libraries Special Collections Research Center (SCRC), our staff have been busy bringing in a few new collections, preparing to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Mason becoming a university, and working on other projects big and small to make our collections more accessible to students, faculty, and researchers worldwide. As the SCRC […]

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NEH Grant for the Buchanan Papers update 

This past spring, the George Mason University Libraries received a grant in the amount of $334,720 from the National Endowment of the Humanities’ Humanities Collection and Reference Resources program for the “Preserving the Legacy of James M. Buchanan” project.   The purpose of this processing grant project is to preserve and make accessible the James M. Buchanan Papers—the […]

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SAA Annual Meeting 2019

This year only two members of SCRC were able to attend the SAA Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas. This meeting in particular was a fiery one to say the least. Without further ado, here are our Director’s impressions of the 2019 Annual Meeting! Lynn Eaton – Director From August 1 – August 6, archivists from […]

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