New Exhibit: Hidden Treasures in SC&A

SC&A has recently installed a new exhibit entitled Hidden Treaures in Special Collections & Archives, which features unusual, unique or otherwise unconventional archival items. The items selected for this exhibit are non-textual and intended to be visually appealing.

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"Even if you can't cook, you can make a JELL-O dessert"

My coworker and I recently finished putting together a new exhibit on display here in Fenwick Library on “hidden treasures” at SC&A. Our focus was to showcase some of the more unusual pieces in our various collections. In researching material for inclusion in this exhibit I knew I wanted to include a cookbook from our […]

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Library Records in the Archives

Among the George Mason University records held by the Archives are a large number from the GMU Libraries. In fact the libraries’ records are probably one of the three largest record groups contained in the archives along with the presidents’ records and the facilties records. As a result, there is much more documentation of the […]

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Satan's Blueprint in the Francis J. McNamara Papers

One of our graduate student workers found this interesting document while processing the Francis J. McNamara papers. McNamara collected a large number of documents on Communism and Anti-Communism while working for the United States government in the 1950s, including this pamphlet from 1958. This pamphlet reveals the extent to which some religious groups connected Communism […]

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Strings Attached – The Marionettes of Molka Reich

SC&A’s Federal Theatre Project Collection is home to a lot of unsual and fascinating pieces. At the request of a patron, I recently went through the Molka Reich Collection and found several interesting photographs.  Molka Reich led a most unusual life. After studying puppetry under Remo Bufano in New York, she and her husband found […]

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