New and Updated Finding Aids – January 2024

  Happy New Year and Happy New and Updated Finding Aids, courtesy of the SCRC processing team! All of the following collections are available for use in the Special Collections Research Center and the finding aids are available on our website (or use the links included below).   Diary of World War I Red Cross […]

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New Finding Aids – November 2023

  The SCRC processing team is excited to announce that we have more new finding aids to share! All of the following collections are available for use in the Special Collections Research Center and the finding aids are available on our website (or use the links included below).   Through Women’s Eyes: Southeast Asian American […]

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We Are Mason: A Student History

Our university celebrates its 50th Anniversary as an independent institution this year. The above photograph is the only one from that day known to exist. It was most likely taken by a George Mason University (GMU) employee in a department housed in the North Building (today known as Finley) called Public Relations. While some versions […]

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The C-SPAN Chronicles: Season 2, Part VII

Hello again! I’m your host (again), Kelsey Kim, C-SPAN Project Archivist.  Today on the blog……..more about the C-SPAN project! Almost fooled you that this was about something else, right? Surprise! At this point, I imagine you’re thinking something along the lines of “This again? What more could she possibly have to say about this project???” […]

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The C-SPAN Chronicles: Season 2, Part VI

Hello! It’s me again—Kelsey Kim: cereal lover, ghost story enthusiast, C-SPAN Project Archivist (today, I’ll be primarily focusing on that last one).  We are still hard at work making the C-SPAN collection available to you, plugging away at the tasks of refining and redacting to present it as best we can!  In previous posts, you’ve […]

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