August 21st is Poet’s Day and we are celebrating by calling attention to just a few of our poetry books. The quote in the title comes from “Death and Doctor Hornbook: A True Story” by Robert Burns, featured in The Poetical Works of Robert Burns shown below.

Burns, Robert, The Poetical Works of Robert Burns, PR4300 1850 B6, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University.

Dickinson, Emily, Letters of Emily Dickinson, PS1541 .Z5 A3 1931, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University.

Yeats, W. B., The Secret Rose, PR5904 .S3 1897b, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, PR4479 .A1 1910b, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University.

Chaucer, Jeffrey, The Works of Our Ancient, Learned, & Excellent English Poet, Jeffrey Chaucer, PR1850 1687, Special Collections Research Center.

Johnson, Samuel, The Works of English Poets, v.29 of 75, PR1171 .J6, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University.

Caption reads, “Cherries and pines in the foreground. From a larger picture presented to Fuhrer Adolf Hitler by the Department of Education.” Miyamori, Asataro, An Anthology of Japanese Poems, PL884 .M585 1938, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University.

Alighieri, Dante, Dante’s Hell, PQ4315.21 .P43 1857, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University.

Tayyib, Abd Allah, al-Hamasah al-sughra, PJ7641 .T37 1964, Special Collections Research Center.

Scaligero, Giulio Cesare, Iulij Caesaris Scaligeri viri clarissimi poematum, PA8575 .S3 P37 1591, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University.

Ovid, Les Metamorphoses, PA6523 .M2 B35 1732b v.1, Special Collections Research Center.

Juvenal, Mores Hominum, PA6447 .E5 S7 1660, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University.
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To schedule an appointment to view collections, contact Special Collections Research Center. Walk-ins are also welcome.
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